Ogive in Statistics: Definition, Types, Uses, Examples and Easy Tutorial

An Ogive is a statistical graph that represents the cumulative frequency or cumulative relative frequency of a dataset, helping you visualize how data accumulates over intervals. In this post, we will explore the definition, types, uses, and examples of Ogives, and provide a simple tutorial on how to construct them.
Ogive in Statistics: Definition, Types, Uses, Examples and Easy Tutorial
Let's dive into the world of Ogives and learn how this straightforward yet effective graph can enhance your statistical analysis skills!


In statistics, data visualization is a powerful tool for understanding complex datasets, identifying trends, and making informed decisions. One such graphical representation that helps in summarizing cumulative data is the Ogive. 

An Ogive is a line graph that depicts the cumulative frequency or cumulative relative frequency of a dataset, allowing us to quickly assess how data points accumulate across different intervals. Unlike histograms or bar charts, an Ogive provides a smooth, continuous view of data distribution, making it particularly useful for identifying medians, percentiles, and other statistical insights.

This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about Ogives in statistics: from their definition and types to their practical uses, examples, and a step-by-step tutorial on how to construct them. Whether you're a student learning statistics for the first time or a professional looking to refresh your understanding, 

This article will provide you with the knowledge and tools to effectively utilize Ogives for data analysis. Dive in to explore how this simple yet powerful graph can enhance your data interpretation skills.

What is an Ogive in Statistics?

An ogive is a graphical representation used in statistics to depict the cumulative frequency distribution of a dataset. It shows the cumulative frequencies of the data points, allowing you to see how many data points fall below a particular value in the dataset.

Types of Ogive Graph

There are two main types of ogives in statistics:

1. Less Than Ogive

  • Definition: This type of ogive is constructed by plotting the cumulative frequency against the upper boundary of each class interval.
  • Steps to Create:
    • Calculate cumulative frequencies by summing the frequencies up to and including the current class.
    • Plot these cumulative frequencies against the corresponding upper class boundaries.
    • Connect the points with a smooth curve.
  • Usage: It helps in determining the median, percentiles, and other summary statistics.

2. Greater Than Ogive

  • Definition: This type of ogive is created by plotting the cumulative frequency against the lower boundary of each class interval.
  • Steps to Create:
    • Calculate cumulative frequencies in a descending order, starting from the total frequency and subtracting each class's frequency as you move to the next lower class.
    • Plot these cumulative frequencies against the corresponding lower class boundaries.
    • Connect the points with a smooth curve.
  • Usage: It can be used to determine the number of observations greater than a certain value.

What is the Cumulative Frequency Ogive and Relative Ogive

Cumulative Frequency Ogive

A Cumulative Frequency Ogive (or simply "Ogive") is a graphical representation of the cumulative frequency distribution of a dataset. It shows how the cumulative frequency accumulates as you move from one class interval to the next.
  • Characteristics:
    • X-Axis: Represents the class boundaries (either lower or upper).
    • Y-Axis: Represents the cumulative frequency.
    • Curve: The points plotted are connected by a smooth curve or line.
  • Types:
    • Less Than Ogive: Plots cumulative frequency against the upper class boundary.
    • Greater Than Ogive: Plots cumulative frequency against the lower class boundary.
  • Uses:
    • To determine the median, quartiles, and percentiles.
    • To visualize the distribution of data.

Relative Ogive

A Relative Ogive is a similar concept but instead of plotting the cumulative frequency, it plots the cumulative relative frequency. This allows the graph to represent the percentage of the total data that falls below or above each class boundary.
  • Characteristics:
    • X-Axis: Represents the class boundaries.
    • Y-Axis: Represents the cumulative relative frequency (as a percentage).
    • Curve: Points are connected to show how the relative frequency accumulates over the intervals.
  • Types:
    • Less Than Relative Ogive: Plots cumulative relative frequency against the upper class boundary.
    • Greater Than Relative Ogive: Plots cumulative relative frequency against the lower class boundary.
  • Uses:
    • To compare datasets of different sizes, as it standardizes the data by converting frequencies to percentages.
    • To visualize the proportion of data below or above certain values in a comparative way.

What is the Formula of Ogive?

An Ogive in statistics is a graph that represents the cumulative frequency or cumulative relative frequency of a dataset. Unlike many statistical concepts, an Ogive does not have a "formula" in the traditional sense (like a mathematical equation). Instead, it's a graphical representation created using cumulative frequencies.

However, to construct an Ogive, you follow specific steps to calculate the cumulative frequency or cumulative relative frequency. Here's how it works:

1. Cumulative Frequency Ogive

To create a Cumulative Frequency Ogive (also called a "less than Ogive"), you need to compute the cumulative frequency for each class interval in your dataset.

  • List all the class intervals in ascending order.
  • Calculate the frequency for each class interval.
  • Compute the cumulative frequency for each class interval. The cumulative frequency for the first interval is the same as its frequency. For subsequent intervals, the cumulative frequency is the sum of the frequency of that interval and all previous frequencies.
If the frequencies for class intervals are:
  • 0-10: 5
  • 10-20: 8
  • 20-30: 12
Then, the cumulative frequencies are:
  • 0-10: 5
  • 10-20: 5 + 8 = 13
  • 20-30: 13 + 12 = 25

2. Cumulative Relative Frequency Ogive

To create a Cumulative Relative Frequency Ogive (also called a "relative Ogive"), you need to compute the cumulative relative frequency for each class interval.

Formula for Cumulative Relative Frequency:

Cumulative Relative Frequency= Cumulative Frequency/Total Frequency

  • Calculate the relative frequency for each class interval by dividing the frequency of that interval by the total number of observations.
  • Compute the cumulative relative frequency for each class interval, similar to the cumulative frequency calculation, but using the relative frequencies.

What is the Examples of Ogive

Example of Cumulative Frequency Ogive

Consider a dataset of the ages of 50 people:
Class Interval (Age) Frequency
10-20 8
20-30 12
30-40 15
40-50 10
50-60 5

1. Less Than Cumulative Frequency Ogive

Step 1: Calculate Cumulative Frequency
  • To calculate the cumulative frequency, add the frequencies progressively:
Class Interval (Age) Frequency Cumulative Frequency
10-20 8 8
20-30 12 8 + 12 = 20
30-40 15 20 + 15 = 35
40-50 10 35 + 10 = 45
50-60 5 45 + 5 = 50
Step 2: Plot the Less Than Cumulative Frequency Ogive
  • X-Axis: Plot the upper class boundaries (20, 30, 40, 50, 60).
  • Y-Axis: Plot the cumulative frequencies (8, 20, 35, 45, 50).
Points to Plot:
  • (20, 8)
  • (30, 20)
  • (40, 35)
  • (50, 45)
  • (60, 50)
Step 3: Draw the Curve
  • Plot the points on the graph.
  • Connect the points with a smooth curve or line.

2. Greater Than Cumulative Frequency Ogive

Step 1: Calculate Cumulative Frequency (in reverse)
  • For a Greater Than Cumulative Frequency Ogive, start with the total number of observations and subtract the frequencies as you move downward through the intervals:
Class Interval (Age) Frequency Cumulative Frequency (Greater Than)
10-20 8 50
20-30 12 50 - 8 = 42
30-40 15 42 - 12 = 30
40-50 10 30 - 15 = 15
50-60 5 15 - 10 = 5
Step 2: Plot the Greater Than Cumulative Frequency Ogive
  • X-Axis: Plot the lower class boundaries (10, 20, 30, 40, 50).
  • Y-Axis: Plot the cumulative frequencies (50, 42, 30, 15, 5).
Points to Plot:
  • (10, 50)
  • (20, 42)
  • (30, 30)
  • (40, 15)
  • (50, 5)
Step 3: Draw the Curve
  • Plot the points on the graph.
  • Connect the points with a smooth curve or line.

Example of Relative Ogive

  • Suppose you have a dataset of the weights (in kg) of 30 students:
Class Interval (Weight in kg) Frequency
40-50 4
50-60 8
60-70 12
70-80 4
80-90 2
  • Total Number of Observations: 4+8+12+4+2=30

1. Less Than Relative Ogive

Step 1: Calculate Relative Frequency
  • First, calculate the relative frequency for each class interval.
  • Relative Frequency=(Frequency/Total Observations)×100
Class Interval (Weight in kg) Frequency Relative Frequency (%)
40-50 4 4/30 ×100=13.33%
50-60 8 8/30×100=26.67%
60-70 12 12/30×100=40.00%
70-80 4 4/30×100=13.33%
80-90 2 2/30×100=6.67%
Step 2: Calculate Cumulative Relative Frequency (Less Than)
  • Calculate the cumulative relative frequency by summing the relative frequencies progressively.
Class Interval (Weight in kg) Upper Class Boundary Cumulative Relative Frequency (%)
40-50 50 13.33
50-60 60 13.33 + 26.67 = 40.00
60-70 70 40.00 + 40.00 = 80.00
70-80 80 80.00 + 13.33 = 93.33
80-90 90 93.33 + 6.67 = 100.00
Step 3: Plot the Less Than Relative Ogive
  • X-Axis: Plot the upper class boundaries (50, 60, 70, 80, 90).
  • Y-Axis: Plot the cumulative relative frequency (13.33%, 40.00%, 80.00%, 93.33%, 100.00%).
Step 4: Draw the Curve
  • Plot the points (50, 13.33%), (60, 40.00%), (70, 80.00%), (80, 93.33%), and (90, 100.00%).
  • Connect the points with a smooth curve.

2. Greater Than Relative Ogive

Step 1: Calculate Cumulative Relative Frequency (Greater Than)
  • For a Greater Than Relative Ogive, the cumulative relative frequency is calculated in reverse order.
Class Interval (Weight in kg) Lower Class Boundary Cumulative Relative Frequency (%)
40-50 40 100.00
50-60 50 100.00 - 13.33 = 86.67
60-70 60 86.67 - 26.67 = 60.00
70-80 70 60.00 - 40.00 = 20.00
80-90 80 20.00 - 13.33 = 6.67
Step 2: Plot the Greater Than Relative Ogive
  • X-Axis: Plot the lower class boundaries (40, 50, 60, 70, 80).
  • Y-Axis: Plot the cumulative relative frequency (100.00%, 86.67%, 60.00%, 20.00%, 6.67%).
Step 3: Draw the Curve
  • Plot the points (40, 100.00%), (50, 86.67%), (60, 60.00%), (70, 20.00%), and (80, 6.67%).
  • Connect the points with a smooth curve.

What is the Shape of Ogive?

The shape of an Ogive graph is typically an S-shaped curve. This curve can either be concave or convex, depending on whether it represents a "less than" Ogive or a "greater than" Ogive.

"Less Than" Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Ogive):

  • This type of Ogive represents the cumulative frequency of data up to a certain class interval.
  • The graph starts at the origin (0,0) and increases monotonically, creating an upward-sloping curve.
  • As it progresses from left to right, the curve begins with a steep slope if the initial frequencies are high, and then gradually flattens out as the cumulative frequency approaches the total number of observations.
  • The resulting shape is an S-shaped (sigmoid) curve that starts low, rises steeply, and then levels off.

"Greater Than" Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Ogive in Reverse):

  • This Ogive represents the cumulative frequency of data greater than a certain class interval.
  • The graph starts high at the total frequency and decreases as you move from left to right.
  • The shape is also an S-shaped curve, but in this case, it starts high and slopes downward, eventually leveling off near the X-axis.

General Characteristics of Ogive Shapes:

  • Monotonic: Ogives are always either non-decreasing ("less than" Ogive) or non-increasing ("greater than" Ogive). This means the curve never moves downward in a "less than" Ogive and never moves upward in a "greater than" Ogive.
  • Smooth Curve: While an Ogive is plotted with straight lines connecting points (often giving a piecewise linear appearance), it conceptually represents a smooth cumulative distribution curve.
  • Cumulative Nature: The shape reflects the cumulative total, so it provides a visual understanding of the distribution and spread of data.
Overall, the S-shaped curve of an Ogive graph makes it easy to understand cumulative frequencies, find medians, percentiles, and visualize the data distribution at a glance.


Ogives are an essential tool in statistics for visualizing cumulative frequencies and understanding data distribution patterns. They provide a clear way to identify key statistical measures like medians, quartiles, and percentiles, making them valuable for both academic learning and practical data analysis. By understanding the definition, types, uses, and construction of Ogives, you can gain deeper insights into your data and make more informed decisions.

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